Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a very petty petty entry

this entry is not earth shattering, its not a scandal, its not important, it would not cure cancer or HIV, it would not make you feel good nor feel bad... its just a petty petty entry... i just need to vent so just bear with me.

if you would ask me 3 yrs. ago who would i be if i were on Grey's Anatomy... i would instantly say Cristina Yang, with a new job as Chief of Surgeon, without Burke (because i'm just too good for him) & with McDreamy, McSteamy & Karev at the palm of my hands like a sick puppy, that how confident i was.

ever since i was a kid i never doubted myself, failure & rejection was never a part of my vocabulary. but then fast forward to now, if i were on Grey's Anatomy... i would be Meredith without McDreamy or McVet, re-taking my internship & Mrs. GVT would be my Cristina, but instead of listening to what she would say, i would just pour my heart to her & just stay still... & do absolutely nothing. thats how bad i am doubting myself.

i am a true blue pessimist but it always works to my advantage, but not anymore... my insecurities has gotten into me & i just hate myself for being that, its not healthy anymore.

last night after venting out my blah problem to Mrs. GVT, she together with her sis has devised 5 simple rule for me to follow:

How to start anew!
1. Leave gadgets at the locker. Ipod/Phone = anti-social.
2. Try to smile back, when someone looks or stares at you.
3. Make an eye contact.
4. Try to start a conversation with a mere Hi & Hello.
5. Be his txt mate.

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