Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a PMSing entry

For weeks i really really want to VENT as in super... but i can't.

The people i want to lash out to reads or is aware of my blog & i can't do it. well it's not that i can't, of course i can.

but it's just that, i know what it feels like when you read someone else's blog & the topic is you.

it happened to me before... had a very petty petty fight with a friend & i was really fuming mad... but then after 5 days it subsided... so as i don't want to raise the white flag first, i checked on his blog, to see what he's up to & instead i read a whole entry about me (on the exact day of our fight)... being a Nosy Bitch & all & that really hurt me... so i don't wanna do that to someone else.

hmm... come to think i actually did that with my Chain Saw Stabber entry... but we didn't have a closure still up till now & im not that Hurt/Angry with her anymore, we have shared more good than bad times, although the bad we're really really bad.

So if you're reading my Blog.

Chain Saw Stabber (sorry i still can't think of a nice nick for you),

if you're reading this... i forgive you, sorry it took me this long to really forgive you, but im glad i did.

Hope we could have lunch sometime & we can chitchat like we used to.


PMS... this is all just PMS!!!!!!!

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