The series follows the life of Emily Owens, a first-year intern at Denver Memorial Hospital, where she realizes that her med-school crush Will Collins and her high school nemesis Cassandra Kopelson are also interning. Emily has to struggle with her affections for Will while trying to battle it out with Cassandra to land the coveted spot as the research assistant of the world-famous cardiothoracic surgeon, Gina Bandari
super sad that the series didn't get picked up & will air only 13 epis!!!! aaaaaaaahhhhh... im soooo rooting for will & emily pa naman. i totally can understand why she's into him =)
here's a sneak peak:
Emily: "The thing about being an adult that no one tells you growing up is that you don't feel like an adult. All your stupid insecurities and anxieties are still there, only you feel more stupid and insecure about being stupid and insecure because you're not supposed be stupid and insecure anymore. You're supposed have the answers. You're supposed to know. But we don't always know. And those answers? They're not always easy to come by. Well you know what? I'm done feeling stupid and insecure about feeling stupid and insecure. The truth is, I think part of being an adult is that you stop waiting for yourself to change and you start to accept who you are."
The series follows obstetrician/gynecologist Mindy Lahiri through her personal and professional life. The character was inspired by Kaling's mother, who is also an OB/GYN.
i love love love mindy!!!! i totally can relate to her dilemmas... & she's very witty & i love her 12 y.o. voice hehehehe, i think she will end up with Dr. Castellano... & if that happens siraan na ng buhay Lolz!!!!
Mindy: Maybe I won't get married, you know? Maybe I'll do one of those "Eat, Pray, Love" things. Ugh, no, I don't want to pray. Forget it, I'll just die alone.
here's a sneak peak:
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